Uncontested Divorce

An uncontested divorce is definitely encouraged as this is a better option as the contested divorce and ancillary matter hearings are time consuming and expensive.

If you and your spouse can have an agreed understanding on how to move forward with your divorce, this will reduce a lot of stress and anxiety on yourself, your spouse and your children if you have any.

The Family Resolution Chambers of the Family Court can help you and your spouse  to come to an agreement on the divorce and ancillary issues.

You can make a request for a Resolution Conference with a Judge of the Family Relations Centre.  You can make the request through your divorce or family lawyer. On your own, you can request through the Deputy registrar when you attend Court at the Status Conference or Pre-Trial Conference .

If you need counselling, you can also make a request at the Counselling And Psychological Services (CAPS).

Talk to us today. Let us offer you the best advice.






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